As a responsible boat owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your boat in good shape. That means sticking to a maintenance schedule that allows you the opportunity to thoroughly examine your boat and make any necessary repairs. Here are some steps to take when it’s time for boat upkeep.

Check Your Engine

Opening the nacelle to examine your engine will allow you to see if anything is amiss. It’s important to look for signs of leakage or cracks in your hoses or fuel lines. Test the stretch of your belts and make sure they aren’t cracked. You’ll also want to make sure the spark plugs are whole and don’t require changing.

Change & Top Off Fluids

The fluids in your boat require regular changes to keep the parts of your engine running smoothly. This includes oil and coolant, as well as gasoline. Coolant is likely to simply need a top-off every once in a while, but oil changes should be part of your regular maintenance routine.

Clean Inside & Out

Another important thing to do is to keep your boat clean. You’ll want to sweep the deck and wipe down your console regularly to remove build-up, and take any trash or food waste off your boat when you dock it.

Rinsing the exterior of your boat, particularly if you often use it in saltwater, is a good habit to get into after every boat trip. A more thorough cleaning can take place every season to scrub off residue. You can then apply wax to keep your boat looking great.

Need some assistance with boat repair? Contact the German Brothers Marina service department to schedule a maintenance appointment with us. Our mechanics will be able to answer your boat maintenance questions and get your boat fixed up quickly.

Looking to buy a new boat instead? Stop by our location in Canandaigua, NY, to check out our fine selection of new and used boats for sale. German Brothers Marina proudly serves our New York customers in Rochester and Syracuse.